Tail Seal Grease
Last release of the Condat R&D lab, WR 89 NewGeneration is available on the market since October 2010.
This new tail seal grease for TBMs anticipates the next regulations (Reach, …) but not only, it will also permit to be in accordance with the technological progress while meeting more and more severe technical requirements.
Continuously pumped during the progress of the machine, WR 89 NewGeneration is injected between the rows of brushes. It allows a perfect sealing against water, slurry and grout, insuring the sealing of the TBM while tunnelling.
The innovating formulation of this new tail seal grease provides improved performance while keeping in mind a sustainable development with :
- More eco-friendly components anticipating future specifications
- Biodegradability keeping pace with OECD regulations
- Higher level of safety thanks to its fire resistance properties
- Reduction by at least 10% of the consumptionwith the help of new anti-friction additives. This reduction has been proved on several jobsites.
- Reduction of the carried quantities
- Perfect compatibility with WR 89 and the emergency product : Condat Emergency Seal.
WR 90, used for the first packing of the brushes, also took advantage of the same evolution in a sustainable development way and is replaced by the WR 90 NewGeneration.